Landscaping at the Complex 10/7/2017

On Saturday morning a group of Delta Chi planted new flowers in front of our section of the complex.  We planted flowers and added new mulch to the area.  We would like to thank George Schuster for helping so much in the process for improving the complex grounds.  The area looks great thanks to the hard work of a couple of active members and associate members.



Coming up this next week is UCM Homecoming, and we have a few words from our homecoming candidate.


"Hello everyone, my name is Stuart Duncan and i am the Delta Chi homecoming king candidate! I am extremely honored and excited to be representing my chapter for the this big event. My chapter and I have been working hard building the float, creating the spirit canvas, and polishing our cheer for competition. We are paired with the lovely ladies of Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority, and are excited to 'Show You UCM' I hope to see you all on the big day, October 14th!

#rollstable #justSTUit"



Stuart Duncan

STUFH Community Service 5/4/2017

During finals week at UCM,  nine men from Delta Chi spent their time getting involved in community service work   This was also the week of STUFH(Students Team Up to Fight Hunger).  The men moved over 1,100 pounds of food to a local food pantry.  1,000 bags of clothes were also moved to the Big Brother organization.  The supply for these donations were all gathered from student dorms on campus.  This is a great way for Delta Chi to finish off the school year!